*I am still of the mind that the US Dollar is going to drop so I bought some more Direxion Small Cap Bull 3X Shares (TNA), coincidentally at the same price as yesterday's purchase - $35.70.*Nothing I can say about a break out or divergence of my indicators. The following chart of the US Dollar is influencing my decision more than this first chart.*My TSI trading record has been updated to reflect this purchase.*Click on the charts to ENLARGE*This is a 5 minute chart of the US Dollar. You will notice that several minutes ago we had a huge spike UP in the price of the US Dollar. *Well this, of course, sent everyone into panic mode - and the stock market sold as fast as a scared rabbit can run. *Now I'll admit I have a lot to learn. And this be very well be one of those times that, with my own money, I learn a very valuable lesson. And its OK with me if I do. *But this price action made no sense to me other than to scare a bunch of nice folks out of their shoes.... In other words, I did not think this US Dollar movement would hold, so I bought. Maybe I am only the dumbest guy to still be in his shoes!!! Time will tell. And if so, we can all have a good laugh about it - later.
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